Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Another musing.

Yesterday was Mom’s 86th birthday.  She had a small party of Jean and Connie - friends you could only wish for, and thank God you have them by your side.  There was a cake, a small one specially made by the staff as well as a card.  Connie and Jean brought treats and cards, as well.  

Whether Mom held any delight in what was given materially is beside the point.  That the staff and her friends continued to be there for her was more than anyone could want.  Mom was in her in/out of consciousness and was, perhaps, truly unaware of what treasures she was experiencing.
After speaking with Jean, it occurred to me that there is so much we take for granted.  I find myself gazing at the stars every night and morning and just allow myself to be awestruck by the beauty in the simplicity; for it is really the simple things in life that count.

Have any of us really given thought to what it must be like to no longer experience the sights and wonders of the world around us?  To no longer be able to communicate or share an observation or two?  

What if what we heard no longer meant anything any longer, or that the singing of the birds and the merriment next door were to hold nothing of import?  

What has been lost after so much time?  The feel of certain fabrics against the skin, the ability to take a bath or shower alone and just luxuriate in the warmth of the waters?  To feel independent and read, enjoy a nice song, or the silence that allows for thought and contemplation?
This woman who once made cardboard key copies of those of the house as a child, and then helped her siblings break out from time to time hasn’t the ability to walk much; this mischievous imp who took her siblings down the side of the house via tied sheets to escape the boredom of a measles quarantine, so they could play in the yard?  That very same girl who would leap from rooftop to rooftop, climb trees, hike, swim, camp, and face many challenges with determination, is now comfortable, lost in her own thoughts and adventures.  

Does she really understand?  Does she know?  Her dreams and delusions seem to help her understand another world.  Most of this other world is full of joy and contentment.  It’s simple.

What more could she ask?

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