Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Week - The Week Ending 03/27/2016

A very bright week, despite periods of gloomy clouds and some rain.   So, it seemed to reflect on Ma Mére.   Her skin shone, her eyes had some sparkle, her disposition somewhat merry.

This week, Mom ate very sparsely.  She did ingest her shakes, but very little else.  There was some hope when she did nibble a goodly amount of a snack, and once 30% of her meal, but that was probably all - aside from the shake.

Monday she spent in bed, not really wanting to get up, and they had ordered the Hoyer lift, so as to spare the aides from injury (as it took at least 4 to get her out of bed and into the chair, and just as many to hoist her back - let alone dress her!)

Tuesday, the lift arrived, and she was out with the rest of them, but not very active.

Wednesday, Jean came, alone, as Connie had an appointment and was unable to reconcile the visit with this, unfortunately.  Here is the account of the visit in Jean’s words:

Dear Tony,

I hope you and Janet are visiting Norma today.  I saw her yesterday Wednesday, for an hour-plus. I got to St.A's just after noon.

When I arrived at the great room in South Cottage, I glanced at the few ladies in their dining chairs or roll about recliner chairs. I forget the name for those; did not see Norma.

Than Iofina (Yoh-FINA) said, "There she is!" and saw a big smile of welcome from your mom. I'm sure she was amused at my not noticing her.

Then Norma said, "Where's your room?"  That was a shock;  I answered that it's in another area. 

 The caregivers there know Connie and me now, as does Danny, a new worker there who speaks three languages: English, Spanish and Italian.  He was so gentle as he got ladies settled at the table, and patiently fed them.

Danny showed me how to move the recliner chair to a sitting position,  then back to a leaning position. Simple, if you know how. With Norma sitting up, we moved her to her private spot at the head of the long, 4-table table.   When I sit at her left or right, I can help her eat.

First, on the  menu  was her chocolate protein shake, all gladly drunk thru a straw.

was busy with Norma.

The soup looked and smelled good; Norma did not seem interested but did accept six bites, all with little pieces of beef.  About 5-6 pieces of the white chicken, two bites of the boiled potatoes, 3-4 of the string beans.  Juice and water appear at every meal, I believe.  Little of those passed her lips.  Coffee was another story!   Norma happily drank most of a cup in a few swallows, then a partial refill.  A small piece of cake with frosting was gladly consumed along with the coffee.  I told Iofina that I would guess 10% for the whole meal as I know they write it on her chart.

The protein shake  would make that number higher.

Norma's nails were painted bright red, with sparkles!   I commented on how pretty I that was.  She was scratching off some polish as we talked, but she always did like to keep busy, to multitask as we say.

I asked if she would like to see some of  her cards; okay with her.  I got cards from Phillis and Nadya, beautiful bright flowers with sweet messages.  Norma read them aloud perfectly, which we still expect. A  third card, from me on her birthday,  had a note: "And you are a pretty mean Scrabble player," which brought a little smile.  

During our visit we/mostly I talked about the weather, and how it changes often.  Norma, who used to be ready for a good conversation, mostly just seemed to be content to listen. She did make some comments, partial sentences.  Her speech is clear, often quiet.

I think Norma has chosen to be with us for a while longer.  But I know that I don't know the future. We did have a good,comfortable visit.  I kissed her goodbye and said "I'll see  you in a few days," my usual  goodbye.

Jean is such a saint!  Because of her visits, and those of Connie’s, I believe Mom has been able to spend more time with us.

Now, after Jean’s departure, Morina decided to get the ladies active.  Mom joined in.  They bat this ball like thing - not quite a balloon, but something else - they confuse me when they tell me, so I won’t try to describe it to you.  I asked Morina how Mom did.  “Well,” she began, “your mother doesn’t just hit it, she REALLY hits it - HARD!”  Surprising, but good to hear that Mom still has spunk in her!

After a zesty session with that activity, Mom joined in for some BINGO.  She didn’t really play, but Jason stated that they helped her as much as possible.  Sad to think it was only a few months ago Mom was eagerly waiting for her prizes!

Thursday, Mom remained in bed.  Janet, her cousin, and I came to pay our visit.  Janet was sure Mom wouldn’t remember her, but as we entered the room, Mom greeted us from her bed.

“Do you remember who I am?” queried Janet.   “Of course, I do, you’re Janet,” Mom retorted.

We had a nice cordial visit, but Mom seemed rather tired.  So, we kept it rather short.

Soon, the director of the food program walked in with her rabbit for Mom.  However, both the bunny and Mom seemed spent of all energy, and we decided another time might be better.

I took the opportunity to ask her (the director) about the chocolate shakes.  I had brought Mom vanilla protein and was curious as to how she was getting chocolate.  “Well,” she stated, “We have several patients who are on protein shakes, so we help make them a little more interesting by adding whatever ice cream we have to them - this way they get a little more variety, too.”  Well, I’ll be doggone!  How wonderful!

Friday, Mom was up but not very spunky.

Saturday, she spent most of her time in bed and just didn’t really want to deal with much.

Today, I found her in bed, as did my brother a bit later.  For me, she seemed peaceful, glowing, cheery, but rather tired.  She would drift off calmly, and I would need to prompt her to awaken - actually I was a little frightened that she was crossing that bridge to the other side…

She drank her juice rapidly, and some of her shake, for me.  Rosa came in and began feeding her lunch, but she didn’t eat much.  I am thinking she did finish her shake, but I can’t testify to it.

When my brother came he said she was quite conversive.   They had a nice, but short, chat, and it was quite pleasant.

So, to be honest, I’m not really how long she’ll last at this rate.  She seems to be more tired - possibly from lack of eating, not hydration.  Her abilities seem kind of there, but are they?  I’m quite baffled, but at peace with where she is - as she seems to be.  That’s the blessing of Easter.

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