Sunday, October 19, 2014

Busy! Busy! Busy! The Week Ending 10/19/2014

This week proved to be something of a boon for Mom.  She had some unexpected visitors!


Her cousin, Janet, brought her sister, Marion, who is visiting from Allentown, PA, along with her to take Mom to lunch.  I've not heard a report yet, but expect they had a wonderful time!

Mom had Bingo this week, as well, and then her massage.

Later, the RLC came to visit on Friday.  What an interesting time they had.

Mom read them the letters, one-by-one, she'd received from her friends, then, as she finished, she had Connie and Jean sort them into piles on her bed.  After this task was complete, they were bundled and put neatly into a place where Mother could easily access them.

Next, they played Scrabble.  It seems Mom wasn't always able to track who's turn it was, but then that's something many have trouble with, while engaged in hearty chitter-chatter with friends.  So, they played.

 Not too sure if they're keeping score any longer, but it's the visiting, the letters, cards, and pictures that help her immensely.

This evening, we had dinner with my brother, Lawrence, and his lovely wife, Kathleen, with whom Mom has grown rather fond.

Mom was up and ready to get going around 6 pm, before having dinner.  She was delighted we were going to eat there.  So, after a couple of glasses of wine, we sat down to eat.

She kept talking about how students and other teachers were going into her room and stealing her soda and tests.  What she really meant was that she believes people are taking the soda and other assorted treats she has from her room at her residence - at least this time she's not talking about how her clothes are missing and books, etc.

Mom enjoys watching some of the SF/Denver game after dinner.

She did mention that her eye drops would crystalize  in her eyes soon after they'd been given.  I'm not sure if this is still the case (in other words, she imagines this is occurring either from the opacity of the drops and her vision, or if she's using her old drops and they are irritating her eyes).

Many of her comments this evening made no sense - that is to say, she would begin speaking about one thing and in the next breath counter that - causing my brother and me to look at one another with a "Wha-----?" glance.

All in all, it was very pleasant.  She took her medications with no struggle, and truly enjoyed herself.

There was one point, in the evening, though, where she was speaking about how people come in and take things, which she really didn't care about as they weren't hers in the first place.  Then, she spoke of how some people see things and think it fine to just take them.  My brother stated, "We don't know anyone who would see something belonging to someone else and just take it, do we?" with a laugh.  Mom, with an instant look of guilt (which vanished in the blink of an eye), turned her head away saying, "NO!"  We had a good laugh.

This has to do with Mom's penchant, in the past, for seeing things in our homes that she deigned would look better or serve better purpose in hers, and then chug off with it.  We would find it missing and then upon visiting her would find it, as though it had always been in its place there.  She would deny she'd taken it, and that we had given it to her.  Hmmmmmm.  Karma?  at least in her imagination.

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