Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Resting Point On the Way Down....or The Week Ending 03/08/2015

A Bittersweet week.

Wednesday, the girls (Connie & Jean) came to see Mom.

She was wearing her blue capris which had torn on the seam, but she didn't seem to mind - however, the girls were able to convince Mom to change, so they could take them home and mend them (Mom told them I would be doing the mending - HA!).

They played a good game of Scrabble, with Mom being more agreeable than she used to be months ago.  She did make an inquiry about allowing her mother to play, but the ladies were able to tell her she was otherwise occupied.  Mom accepted this without complaint.

Tonight, my brother came and picked her up and took her for a jolly drive to Mount Angel.  This was very good for her spirits, just to get her out and to see the world.
When I arrived they were having a nice conversation on the patio with lemonade and iced tea.  Mom was happy looking at the plants and trees that surround his property.  At one point, she gazed at the two sugar maples and remarked, "They look like a man and a woman having fun."   Now, with the gnarled branches free from leaves it was difficult to say if that was the sort of fun that I would care to print....
She had troubles finding her words and thoughts.  As Connie stated earlier last month, Mom slipped from one thought to another seamlessly, and many times had troubles finding the words she was wanting to use.  She is aware of this and says she can't get the words.
At one point, she told us she had my oldest brother when she was 13, but that thought was quickly obliterated in the next thought.  Whew!
She was back to being her wonderful self when I tried to bring her to the table to eat.  She wanted to keep reading the book she had and stated that it was too early to eat (then my brother prompted her by telling her it was on the table - she acceded).
On the way home we had a very nice conversation - about what I have no idea - it was all so random, but it kept her content.
When we arrived back at St. Anthony's I asked her to try on some new clothes I had bought her earlier.  After much cajoling, she capitulated and tried on one blouse - it was too big.  The pants will have to wait until the girls come for a visit this week.
So, her memory has declined as have her speech and movement.  This is a slow train to ---??? I'm hoping it's slow and the hills doesn't suddenly show a decline on the way (at least not in the near future). 

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