Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Gift of the Season - OR The Week Ending 01/03/2015

When people enter hospice they typically begin a general decline.  However, with Lewy Body Dementia this isn’t always the case as we have seen with the Mater Majestica.

The odd miracle is that this week she seems to have come back around - for the most part!  She is engaged in reading her paper, can recognize people in their photographs, is participating in activities - not necessarily physical - and conversing up a storm (not necessarily tracking on a regular track but being quite random in her thoughts and thinking).  

Monday and Tuesday she arose for breakfast a bit later and then quickly began to slip into a doze from the methadone.  Soon after, though, she awoke and became rather bright.  Both days she decided she didn’t want to just sit about and she was panging for some activity; so, she grabbed her walker and began charging through the cottage walking the oval as though she were taking laps.  How different this is from what we’ve seen in the recent past!   

She did, though, decide to sleep through the gardening class that was being held in the great room; she opted for sleep, instead, despite Mornina’s and my encouragement.  She just sat in her grandmother’s rocker and slept until lunch time.
This was the best pose Mom could muster - but it shows how she is right after her medication dosage in the morning.
On Wednesday and Thursday she participated in regular activities, but nothing that required anything much more than sitting and watching.    

Friday, she arose feeling somewhat peppy (did I mention her attitude of late has been quite positive?).  Of course, she appeared for breakfast rather late.  By this time, Jean had phoned to let them know she would be on her way.  The staff came out and let Mom know her buddy was going to be coming for a visit.  UP went Mom to her room to freshen up.  She splashed water on her face and looked at a change of clothes.    

Earlier, one of the staff had asked her about the photos on her wall (as an indicator of where she was with her mental abilities).  Mom spoke of all of them, telling a story or two about each.  Then, surprisingly, Mom spoke of the photos of her “three amazing sons” of “whom I am quite proud!”  Now, this was a report, and I’m not sure how accurate it was, but it felt good that she was in such a good state (there are four of us, but there is one photo taken before my birth and this is the one, I believe, to which she referred; and, no, I haven’t any issues with this.  I’m gladdened by her positive remarks).  

When Mom reappeared, she asked where Jean was.  The response was that she would be coming soon.  “You lied to me!” exclaimed Mama.  “You told me she was here!”  Well, Jean did finally appear and Mother was ecstatic.  

Soon, I would appear to see them both.  Mom was bright and cheery and seemed to tolerate my presence - especially after I brought out the cookies from her room I had brought her the previous week.  She shared these with Jean and then dismissed me.  I left after checking on her needs, so she and Jean could have their “girl time”.  
The girls enjoying their time together 
The rest of the week remained much the same.   

Sunday, Mom ate around 930 am, and then read the paper.  Due to the weather, I was unable to make it to her, but I received regular reports that she was enjoying the snowfall and the peaceful nature of the residence.  

Now, we know this level of abilities cannot last, but since this is the magical season of Christmas I welcome the gift, no matter how short or long it lasts.  So, this was a very good week.

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