Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Week Ending 1/25/2015 or Norma In and Out of the Looking Glass....

This was something of a busy week, with some revelations about Mom's status, health-wise...nothing alarming, just....

So, The first part of the week went, I am to presume, without incident.

Wednesday, the RLC (Connie and Jean) came for a visit.   They didn't play Scrabble, but chatted.

Mom is having pain in her leg, and is beginning to tell people she's going to lose the leg.  Hmmm.  We have an  appointment for the 2nd of February, so we'll see what happens.

As they were leaving, Mom wanted to follow them in her car (which she stated was in the back, but it wouldn't be a problem for her to get it, drive around and meet up with them).  But they understood there was a gathering, so this was a fine excuse for them to take their leave so she could attend.

Thursday, my brother from Port Orchard, Tom, and his wife, Peg, came down and took Mom to lunch.  As they drove to their favorite hangout with Mom, the Broadway Grille, Mom began dictating they were going the wrong way.  She kept offering directions to her grandparents' house in Irvington, and then to Jean's, stating they were expected.  Well...this was news!

As she'd already eaten by the time they were able to arrive, she wasn't very hungry, but she did have enough room for a milkshake, and some wine!  But of course!  Everyone knows that ice cream is good on a full stomach, and mixed with wine it makes a lovely combination!  Ugh!

The attendant who takes care of Mom's Physical Therapy arrived, once they returned, and told Mom she needed to have her session.  Mom excused her and told her she didn't want it.  AHA!

So, Mom is refusing, apparently, her P/T, nor is she allowing massage, which seemed to stave off the pain she was having before.  Now the pain is returning, and she is unwilling to do anything for it.   Except, tonight she stated that I was crazy, thinking she had any pain.


This evening, she wasn't able to completely get what was what.  She was able to carry on a semblance of a conversation, but then it would saunter off into another realm.

An example?  She  and my brother were discussing his children.  Then, out of the blue, "How long has it been since you lived with your mother and father?"

My brother was perplexed.  "You mean, how long since I lived with you and Dad?"

"No, your parents.  We're not your parents."

"That's funny, I always thought you were my parents."

"Uh uh.  No, we're not."

I'm not sure what happened next, but my brother was gladdened by my stating we needed to get going.

Earlier, Mom was busy with the newspaper, taking it apart and then trying to put it together again - "The pages aren't right.  I need to put them back in order!"  Now, with the Sunday edition, this can be seen as a bit of a Herculean task!  But, she got them together, as she saw fit, and then put it away.

A lovely dinner.

On the way home, I asked Mom if she could see the stars.  She finally saw one, then began embarking on a lecture about how people might assume I'm not intelligent.  Odd.

When we arrived at her place, she was terribly weary.  She wanted to know where I wished to sleep, and couldn't understand why I wanted to go home.  But, after checking the fridge, where she told me people were stealing her sodas (it was full of soda - almost as though she hadn't had a one in the past week since I filled it).  I found oranges in her cupboards, the fridge, and she told me she had some hidden elsewhere.


I kissed her goodnight, and reminded her we had a dentist appointment Wednesday.  She shrugged her shoulders and gave me a kiss goodnight.

We'll see if she's ready on time on Wednesday, or if she's going to be stubborn...another story awaits, I'm sure. 

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